21 November 23
Single Ended KT 120 Monoblocks

''Hi folks - attached are some photos of my finished Skunkie monoblocks - they sound fantastic! They only have about 20 hours of runtime so far, but they already exceed my expectations wink. It will be interesting to see if further break-in has much effect. Thank you for your excellent service''



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28 November 24

300B Single Ended Amplifier by Mr Staresy UK

28 July 24

Dynaco St35 Power Transformer Mod By Mr Robert C. E.

24 April 23

Single Ended 807 Amplifier by Mr. D. 

28 February 24

Single Ended KT120 Monoblocks by Mr John H.

28 February 24

Single Ended 300B Amplifier by Mr John H.

09 January 24

PSE EL 34 Amplifier by Mr Philippe

17 January 24

KT120 monoblocks Skunkie Designs by Mr Glenn H.

30 July 23

Push Pull 13K5:4/8R 10W Ultralinear Output Transformers by Mr Alex N.

23 July 23

Single Ended 5K:4/8R 8W Ultralinear Output Transformers by Mr Ken D.